Chris Kramer recently commented in the Capcom Blog about the distinction handed out to Mega Man as "Most Number of Games In a Single Series" according to the Guinness World Records: Gamer's Edition 2008. "That's right, the Mega Man franchise has been recognized as being milked like no other milking in the history of video game milkings!" said Kramer.
Kramer goes on to add that the team at Guinness World Records may have low-balled the franchise at 46 titles. He ventures that the number is something twice that size, at least. Kramer then reached out to the community to get a better estimate of the number of Mega Man titles.
"Somebody get on this project and figure out how many friggin' Mega Man games there have been, please," commented Kramer. "We're counting Mega Man games only, not appearances in other games (Marvel Vs. Capcom, Dead Rising, Cannon Spike, etc. do not count) Semi-Official Capcom Gold Star of Complementarianism and some kinda random prize to whoever completes this assignment successfully!"
Thanks to our friends at Joystiq for the tip.
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