Release Date: 07/01/2008
Publisher: Square Enix
Developer: Square Enix
The dark knight Cecil, stripped of his command of the Red Wings, set out for the distant Valley of Mist. Together with Kain, commander of the Dragoons, he would pursue a faceless quarry―and a chance for redemption. The advent of the airship had marked the realization of mankind's most ancient dream. But man is a creature seldom sated, and he was quick to dream anew. With the unparalleled might of the Red Wings, Baron's military soon reigned supreme. Why, then, does its king now seek the Crystals? And why have fearsome monsters suddenly begun to overrun the once calm land? If the Crystals know, they share no answers―only their pure and silent light.
Seduced by the promised power of the Crystals, the kingdom of Baron beginsemploying unprovoked force to seize them from peaceful nations. The darkknight Cecil - Lord Captain of Baron's elite force, the Red Wings - isordered by his king to obtain the Crystals, but soon begins to question themonarch's motives. Stricken with grief at his own actions, yet burdened byhis loyalty to his country and his personal sense of honor, Cecil at lastdecides to turn from the path of darkness and destruction.
Enraged, the king accuses him of disloyalty, strips Cecil of his command,and sends him off to slay a mysterious beast that lurks in the nearby Valleyof Mist. Cecil embarks on a fateful journey that will bring trials,betrayals, friendship, loss and self-discovery. Can Cecil open his eyes andbecome the man of honor that he must be?
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