Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Head of an Elite MMORPG Team Wrote

As the head of an elite MMORPG team, I normally review all the different guides that hit the

market for games that my team normally plays – such as World of Warcraft. So, when World of

Warcraft Gold Secrets Revealed came out, I felt that it was my job to read it and review it for

you readers out there. I have reviewed most of the World of Warcraft guides out there on the

market, and while some are better than others, I always try to provide a fair review to each

one. So, here is my review of this gold guide to let you know the good and the bad about it as


One of the main good points of this World of Warcraft gold guide is that there is a chapter that

lists specifically on each different continent where to go to farm for gold. This is not just for high

level players either, which is a big plus. Most gold guides only list places that players under level

30 or 40 simply can not go, but this guide has spots for every player above level 10. Each

different place listed in this gold guide tells exactly where to head in each different area, which

mobs you are looking for, the respawn rate, the drop rate for green, blue, or purple items, and

the drop rate for money from the mobs. This is a huge plus in my book, as you already can tell if

the area is worth it or not, and determine about how long you will need to farm there if you are

searching for some specific drop. I feel that this is probably the very best part of this whole

guide, and probably the best area list out of any of the other World of Warcraft gold guides that I

have reviewed.

There are also some great tips, especially for those new to the World of Warcraft, when it comes

to playing the auction house. I think that most players still are not quite sure how to play the

auction house for profit, and this gold guide will give a ton of tips and ideas to help everyone play

the auction house and gain a fair amount of gold. I was actually pretty impressed with this area

of the guide as well, and found that there were a couple of ideas here that I had not considered


One of the downsides to this guide is that it is long. So, for those that have extremely slow

printers or hate to print out long documents, you are better off to just leave this one on your

computer and flip back and forth. But, what the length takes away, the content makes up for.

There are so many different tips and hints and ideas in this World of Warcraft gold making guide

that I almost can not begin to address them all.

Overall, to those who are new to the World of Warcraft and are struggling to make gold for your

toon, get this guide. It is well worth the money, and you will find that your gold levels will rise

really fast after you implement some of these tips. For those who are World of Warcraft

veterans, this guide will help you too. You will find that there are some tips and ideas here that

you may not have known before and find some new places in game to farm for gold and drops. I

would recommend this guide to anyone I know who loves the World of Warcraft. Get you copy

here: http://www.urgamesnow.com

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